The Benefits Of L-Glutamine

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that your body needs to stay healthy and functions best when consumed in food or in dietary supplements. It's found in meat, fish, dairy, rice and beans — but even if you're a vegetarian or vegan, there are plenty of ways to supplement with L-glutamine. In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of taking L-glutamine as part of your daily diet.

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid necessary for the health of your muscles, brain, gut, and more. 

You may have heard of the amino acid L-glutamine, but what is it? How does it work in your body, and why should you care? L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained from food or supplements. It's necessary for the health of your muscles, brain, gut and more!

L-glutamine can be found in foods like meat (particularly chicken), dairy products and eggs. If you don't eat these foods regularly though then taking a supplement might be a good idea. Yalla Protein’s 100% Pure L-Glutamine is the purest and finest grade of Glutamine powder on the sports nutrition market.

Helps control sugar cravings after a workout. 

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that helps the body convert sugar into energy and make proteins, which are used to build muscle. It's also important for immune system function and gut health; without it, you'd feel weak and tired all the time!

Helps build healthy muscle tissue. 

L-glutamine is a naturally occurring amino acid, and it plays an important role in muscle growth and recovery. It helps to build healthy muscle tissue, which can help you recover from exercise faster. L-glutamine also supports the repair of muscles damaged by intense exercise or injury, so it's useful for anyone who does lots of physical activity--whether it's CrossFit or just going for walks every day.

L-glutamine may also reduce feelings of muscle soreness after exercise by helping your body make more energy available to work out the next day!

Improves gut function. 

L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your intestines. It plays a role in immune system function, protein synthesis, and muscle recovery.

Glutamine is used by the immune system to maintain the integrity of your gut lining so that nutrients can pass through it into your bloodstream while keeping pathogens out of your body. The body uses glutamine both to create energy from protein and to make new cells such as white blood cells that fight infection.

Boosts your immune system. 

L-glutamine is a key component of immune cells, and it plays a role in immune function. The body uses L-glutamine to make antibodies, which are used to fight off infections. It's also believed that supplementing with L-glutamine can help improve your overall health by boosting the production of white blood cells that fight infection.

This amino acid is especially important for people who have had surgery or suffer from chronic illnesses like diabetes or autoimmune disorders because these conditions cause low levels of l-glutamine in their systems.


Helps with detoxification. 

L-glutamine is an amino acid that helps the body detoxify ammonia. Ammonia is a by-product of protein metabolism and can cause a variety of health problems if it builds up in your system.

One way L-glutamine prevents this build up is by supporting liver detoxification, which helps remove toxins from your body. In addition, L-glutamine also supports kidney and intestinal detoxification systems by allowing them to work more efficiently so they can remove harmful substances from the blood stream more quickly.


Helps with weight loss. 

L-glutamine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that helps with weight loss. It does this by reducing the amount of fat stored in the body, as well as reducing appetite and sugar cravings. L-glutamine also helps to prevent muscle loss, which can happen when you're on a diet or fasting. Additionally, it reduces inflammation caused by free radicals (unstable molecules) that attack healthy cells in your body and cause damage to their DNA--which can lead to cancerous tumors if left unchecked!

L-glutamine supplements are available in capsule and powder form, and a typical dose is 1-5 grams daily. Some people opt to take glutamine with meals while others prefer to take it before bedtime or when they wake up in the morning.

May help improve athletic performance. 

Glutamine is a very important amino acid for athletes, as it plays a role in many body processes. It helps with muscle growth and repair, energy production, immune function, brain function and gut health.

Glutamine is also an important fuel source for muscles during exercise because it's the most abundant amino acid found in skeletal muscle tissue (the type used for physical activity). In addition to these functions that may benefit athletes directly or indirectly (i.e., recovery), glutamine has been shown to reduce muscle inflammation after intense exercise. Many athletes choose Yalla Protein's 100% Pure L-Glutamine supplement, as it's one of the purest and finest grades of glutamine on the market. 

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that your body needs to stay healthy and functions best when consumed in food or in dietary supplements. 

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that your body needs to stay healthy and functions best when consumed in food or in dietary supplements. L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue, making up over 50% of the total free amino acids found there. It also helps with digestion by supporting the health of your gut lining, immune system, and brain function.

You can find l-glutamine in many foods including meat, fish and dairy products as well as certain vegetables such as cabbage and spinach.


L-glutamine is a powerful amino acid that can help you improve your health, athletic performance and more. It's important to note that while some of the benefits described in this article are still being researched, there is already plenty of evidence supporting its use as an effective supplement. If you're interested in trying out L-glutamine for yourself, order Yalla Protein's 100% Pure L-Glutamine today!