9 Foods High in Vitamin D
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is essential for bone health, immune system function, and even mood regulation. While the primary source of vitamin D is sunlight, certain foods can also contribute significantly to your daily intake. Including these foods in your diet can help ensure that you meet your vitamin D requirements. Here are nine foods high in vitamin D:

1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines are among the best natural sources of vitamin D. These fish not only provide a good amounts of this essential nutrient but are also rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Grilled, baked, or poached, incorporating fatty fish into your diet is both delicious and nutritious.

2. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a potent source of both vitamin D and vitamin A. A small teaspoon of cod liver oil can provide a substantial portion of your daily vitamin D requirements. You can find it in liquid form or as capsules for those who prefer a more convenient option.

3. Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are another source of vitamin D, though the concentration can vary based on the diet of the chickens. Eggs are easy to incorporated into a variety of dishes, making them an accessible option to boost your vitamin D intake.

4. Dairy Products

Certain dairy products can provide a natural source of vitamin D, making them a convenient addition to your diet. Milk, cheese, and yogurt, especially the full-fat ones, contain varying levels of vitamin D. These dairy products not only offer calcium for strong bones but also contribute to your vitamin D intake. Adding dairy to your meals and snacks can help you maintain healthy vitamin D levels while enjoying a range of flavorful options.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are unique in that they can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, much like human skin. Specifically, wild or UV-exposed mushrooms can be a good source of vitamin D.

6. Beef Liver

Beef liver contains a moderate amount of vitamin D along with various other essential nutrients like iron and B vitamins. While it might not be someone everyone likes, having organ meats like beef liver occasionally can provide a nutritional boost.

7. Almonds

Almonds are not only a delicious and convenient snack but also a source of vitamin D. While they might not contain as high levels as some other foods on this list, they still contribute to your overall intake. Almonds are also rich in healthy fats, fiber, and various other nutrients. Adding almonds to your diet as a snack or adding them to salads and dishes can offer a tasty way to boost your vitamin D intake along with other health benefits.

8. Tofu

Tofu, a popular plant-based protein, is often fortified with vitamin D. This makes it a valuable option for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. It can be used in various dishes, from stir-fries to salads.

9. Spinach

While not as high in vitamin D as some other sources on this list, spinach can still contribute to your overall intake of vitamin D Spinach is a versatile leafy green that can be used in salads, smoothies, omelets, and more. It also offers a wealth of other vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice for supporting your overall health.


Getting enough vitamin D is crucial for maintaining optimal health. While sunlight remains the primary source of this essential vitamin, incorporating foods rich in vitamin D can further support your nutritional needs. By including these nine foods in your diet, you can help ensure that you're meeting your vitamin D requirements and promote overall well-being.